C P T D I G I T A L P U B L I SH I NG | 5
File Conversion
From text to graphics to spreadsheets, we can import your Adobe Acrobat PDFs, Microsoft
Office Word, PowerPoint, and Excel documents, diagrams, bitmaps and format them all into
a platform-independent, digital publication.
Hybrid Format
We can can create a PC .exe file or a MAC .app file ready to be transferred on to a CD, DVD,
or flash-drive that will work on any PC or MacIntosh computer
Custom CD Jacket & Label
Get custom CD/DVD jacket design to distribute to your audience. You can also choose
between printing direct to CD/DVD or printing on adhesive labels that can be applied to
your offiline publication.
“Distribute your publication offline on a hybrid
CD or DVD that works with both Mac and PC”
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